Fair + Legal Pay Movement

What is it?
The idea of Fair + Legal Pay isn’t new, but recent years have seen household employees raising their collective voice to demand the same rights afforded workers in other industries across the US. This has resulted in increased awareness of the need for a living wage, overtime pay, and paid sick leave. While states and cities are starting to pass Domestic Workers’ Bills of Rights, the fight for Fair Pay isn’t over. Further, many misunderstand what Legal Pay really means and the benefits it provides.
A coalition of domestic worker advocates, comprised of industry non-profit organizations, for-profit companies, and individuals, has come together to increase awareness surrounding Fair + Legal Pay for household employees. This coalition aims to educate the public, and spark change that results in workers getting the benefits they deserve, the benefits to which they are entitled by law, and the benefits afforded to other workers in the US. The coalition believes that it is far past time for household employees to be recognized for the essential contributions they provide to millions of households nationwide and to be recognized and treated as professionals.
What does Fair + Legal pay mean?
First and foremost, Fair & Legal Pay means paying a living wage for all hours worked, including the correct compensation for overtime. Fair + Legal Pay also means paying required employment taxes on wages paid to employees. Legal pay provides an employee with verifiable income, which can be used to rent or buy a home, purchase or lease a vehicle, or apply for credit. When paid legally, employees are also eligible for government benefits like family medical leave, unemployment and disability benefits, as well as Social Security in retirement. Should one lose a job or the ability to work, these benefits provide a safety net that can make all the difference when times are tough. Don’t forget that legal pay is required by law, so as an added bonus, you can sleep easy knowing you won’t face jail time or huge fines for tax evasion!
Official Endorsement
Private Service Alliance is excited to endorse this movement advocating for Fair & Legal Pay within the Private Service industry. As a responsible business committed to fostering ethics and best practices, we firmly believe that every individual contributing to the private service sector deserves to receive fair remuneration, in line with their skills, efforts, and dedication.
Our business recognizes the crucial role that employees play in the success and sustainability of the private service industry. It is our privilege to advocate for fair wages, appropriate benefits, and the protection of workers’ rights to create an industry that thrives on a foundation of respect, fairness, and prosperity for all.
We invite other businesses within the private service industry to join us in supporting this important movement for Fair & Legal Pay. Together, we can make a meaningful difference and promote a work environment where every individual is valued and treated justly. Join us in championing fairness, advocating for legal compliance, and promoting the well-being of workers in the private service industry. Together, let’s create a more equitable and prosperous future for all.
The Next Step
Take the pledge, do your part, and spread the word! #FairAndLegal